
Thursday, December 15, 2011

Tamil Rasi Palan 2012 Top10Tamilnadu

Tamil Rasi Palan 2012 - Top 10 Tamilnadu

Mesh Rasi - Tamil Rasi Palan 2012

A Good Year is predicted for you with the pace of improvements picking up in the second half of the year. A year of profit and good health is predicted for you except for some minor skin aliments. Eligible Aries individuals will get married this year. Family life will be good for most part of the year. Minor domestic problems and tensions will occur after July. Your private life will be on the front burner and may cause a lot of trouble. Though this is a year of gains but expenses will continue the same pattern as 2011 till September. This year predicts that financially the year may not go smoothly. A good year for academic achievements.

Vrishabh Rashi - Tamil Rasi Palan 2012

You have to take care of your health at all times. However on professional and business fronts you will forge ahead and pending litigation will get solved. Turning points both at work and in love are quite possible therefore you should manifest resistance, persistence and tolerance. An explosion of emotions is most likely to happen in the second half of the year, and neither Taurus, nor his partner will be ready to compromise. Expenditure needs to be controlled. Gains from legacy, shares, lottery and games of chance indicated if strong combinations present in your natal chart. The year is quite successful financially.

Mithuna Rasi - Tamil Rasi Palan 2012

A year of mental tension and increased problems is predicted for you. Health problems will occur for most part of the year due to irregular sleeping and eating habits. Medical expenditure is indicated. Finance and Business will improve by leaps and bounds in the second half of the year. Eligible Gemini natives will get married this year. This year may be a turning point in life, personal growth, perfection and development. Risky investments should be avoided at all costs. The initial six months are tough but come July and you will shine. This year foresees an unstable financial situation. You’ll be suffering from large expenses the whole year. If you continue to neglect your studies like last year then expect bad news.

Kark Rasi - Tamil Rasi Palan 2012

This year indicates major changes in the work sphere and you may change your business or profession. You will be mentally tense throughout the year. Eligible Cancer natives will get married this year. The whole year you’ll be dealing with family and professional problems at the same time. And being flexible you’ll succeed in combining both activities. Many Cancers will start to build their own home or will make it more spacious and comfortable. . Large financial losses and conflicts connected with money or other assets may occur. An appearance of restrictive Saturn since August, in financial sector of the sky will require prudence and caution.

Simha - Tamil Rasi Palan 2012

A good Year is predicted for you. This year will be characterized by increased responsibilities and spending money on acquisition of assets and luxury goods. Eligible Leo natives will tie the knot in the first half of the year. Happy occasions will be celebrated in the family that will bring much joy. Avoid confrontations from March to July. Health will be excellent for most part of the year barring second half of March, April and May. This year promises interesting contacts, flirtation and a pleasant society for single people, and those looking for romantic adventures. Increase in earning sources clearly predicted July onwards. Time will be spent on enjoyment activities than studies. Remain focused to get good results.

Kanya - Tamil Rasi Palan 2012

A good year with the real results manifesting from July onwards. The second half of the year can actually change your life in every positive manner if you put your mind and resources to it. Unmarried eligible Virgo natives will get married this Year and business profits will be good. This underlines the necessity to make decisions and to take responsibility not only for your own words and actions, but also for that of your close acquaintances. In 2012 the energy level of Virgo is quite high and diseases are not likely to occur. Feb, May and June will bring problems in business and profession. There will be a general increase of income. In February, June and October you can expect to get some decent money.

Tula Rasi - Tamil Rasi Palan 2012

A much better year than the last year gone by is predicted for you in all respects. You will get mental peace and solutions to your problems. Health problems surface off and on and medical expenses will be there. If you plan and move then by the year end you will be happy and contended. You have trumps in your hands, and it is important to play them in a right way. With Jupiter, a planet of success aspecting your sign for most of this year, you mustn’t be afraid to leap into action and to stand up for your rights. Money problems get solved July onwards and developments in career clearly predicted. Despite obvious professional success, there will be some financial problems. Most of them will happen in the second half of the year, when the financial status will be shifting.

Vrikshik Rasi - Tamil Rasi Palan 2012

An average year with the second half better than the first. The second half sees you forging ahead. With new responsibilities will also come mental stress and tension. This will be in a tight situation with limited freedom of actions. Scorpio horoscope 2012 advises to forget about the problems for a while, to think the situation over and study it properly, without taking final decisions and pronouncing sharp judgments. Be guarded against health problems and be careful while driving specially in May and June. Love relations may not go smoothly. It will be especially dangerous for couples, having problems for more than two or three years. This year there will be a steady rise in income and opportunities July onwards. Chances of promotion are strong July onwards.

Dhanu Rasi - Tamil Rasi Palan 2012

The first half of the year will be much better. You must exert yourself in the first six months to forge ahead in career and profession. This year pays special attention to career and ambitious expectations. The feelings are also of a great importance. Take care of health in Jan, May, June and July. March onwards things will become better at the family front. Jan, Feb, May, June and October see you making short distance travels. Increase in export related trade. The whole year will be characterized by large expenses connected with business affairs, business development or with growing needs of children or close people.

Makar Rasi - Tamil Rasi Palan 2012

A good year is predicted for you with the developments in career and business picking up in the second half of the year. In the first half of the year you will face domestic tension so be a little diplomatic and avoid confrontations. Eligible Capricorn natives will find their soul mate in the second half of the year. Health needs to be taken care of especially from February to June. The second half sees you forging ahead on professional fronts. You will start a new business or make innovative changes in the existing set up to reap a rich harvest. Barring May and June the rest of the year is excellent for academic achievement.

Kumbh Rasi - Tamil Rasi Palan 2012

An above average Year is predicted for you with the last year's problems getting solved. Your concentration and work efficiency levels show a marked improvement April onwards. Eligible Aquarius natives will get married this year. This year is a transitive or preparatory period, paving the way to happy future. Mental stress will be experienced in the months of January and February. Your health is quite delicate in the first half of the year, when acute conditions or unexpected illnesses are possible. The financial status will be improved a little, what will be a natural consequence of new professional opportunities

Meen Rasi - Tamil Rasi Palan 2012

A good Year is predicted for you. Many of the problems that you have been facing from the last year get solved. The second half of the year sees you forging ahead with confidence and zeal. Marked improvements in all spheres of life April onwards. The future year can be described as finishing, final and transitive. Health needs to be taken care of in May, June and January. In the second half of the year you should be more attentive while driving and on trips.All round improvements in career and business. Acquisition of house, land, flat clearly predicted. Successful months from this point of view of finance are February and June. A good year for achieving academic excellence. If you work hard you will get the desired results.

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